Welcome back to the SteadyTrade Podcast!

We’re excited to freshen things up and introduce a new co-host – Matt McCall.

After a few years’ hiatus, we’re ready to embark on this new chapter and blend our expertise to bring you insights into the trends and sectors driving the stock market.

If you’re wondering why the podcast was paused, we felt it was time to step back while still at our peak. But our passion for podcasting never wavered. And now we’re back with renewed energy and focus… and a whole lot to talk about.

“Re-Introducing” Your Hosts:

  • Tim Bohen the leader trainer at StocksToTrade and is dedicated to making sophisticated trading tools accessible to everyday investors. Tim’s journey began with a tech company during the dial-up era. When he sold the firm, he set his focus on trading and mentoring.
  • Matt McCall began his career as a stockbroker. But his entrepreneurial spirit eventually led him to create and sell multiple businesses – including registered investment advisory Penn Financial Group. With more than 20 years in the business, you may recognize Matt from his time as a co-host of Fox Business or through his many investment newsletters and published books. It’s his focus on educating investors, having some fun, and making money in the market that makes him a perfect addition to this podcast.

In this new era, the SteadyTrade Podcast will shift away from daily stock picks to broader market discussions. We’ll blend short-term trading insights with long-term investment perspectives to offer a comprehensive view of the market.

We’re thrilled to have you on board!

Today’s Show:

The sudden emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) has been grabbing financial media headlines for more than a year now. Naturally, related stocks have taken off – with Nvidia (NVDA) now one of the largest companies in the world.

We’re in the very beginning stages of what we believe will be one of the biggest megatrends of our generation. And that means there is opportunity to seize here.

But other areas of the stock market are being overlooked as a result…

As AI technology engrains itself deeper into the everyday lives of companies and individuals, more data will generated. That means a lot more electricity will be required to collect and analyze all that data.

Global energy consumption has been stagnant in recent decades. But according to the International Energy Agency, that figure is expected to increase 165% by 2050. Northern Virginia – the hub of U.S. data centers – is likely to run out of reliable power by 2027.

That means the only way to keep the AI boom going is to upgrade the global electrical grid.

On today’s episode of the SteadyTrade Podcast, we dive into the investment opportunity being created by the convergence of AI and energy. We cover some of the biggest names in the space – including Nvidia and Super Micro Computer (SMCI) – as well as some of the smaller companies you likely haven’t heard or thought of.

Get your pencil and pad ready! It’s time for the first episode of our renewed Steady Podcast.

Click here to watch the latest episode now.

Here’s to the future,

Tim Bohen
Lead Trainer, StockToTrade

Matt McCall
Editor, Market Insights