TWIST: Quickly or Intelligently With Brock

TWIST: Quickly or Intelligently With Brock

TWIST brings on another special guest this week — Brock.  Brock started trading in 2017 when he first signed up for Tim Alerts. Like many new traders, he believed the path to riches was easy…  So Brock decided to dig deep. He joined Tim Sykes’ Trading Challenge and...


Today’s special guest, Timothy Sykes has a hot new trading indicator — DWAP. Don’t know this one? DWAP stands for dollar-weighted average profit. But what exactly does it do? You’ll have to tune in to find out. And to hear Sykes make a great point at the TWIST hosts’...
TWIST: Riding the Meme Hype

TWIST: Riding the Meme Hype

The last couple of weeks in the market have been … slow? That’s all relative. At the very least, the recent market action has been slower than the last couple of months. But even in this “slow” market… there are piles of opportunities. Traders just have to be willing...
TWIST: Is The Hot Market Over?

TWIST: Is The Hot Market Over?

They may have been a bit early (by roughly six months) … but the three TWIST hosts were right about a market slow down.  There’s a noticeable shift in the market over the past few weeks… It feels like 2019 again.  But that doesn’t mean there aren’t plays … It...
TWIST: Special Guest Jack Daniel (No7)

TWIST: Special Guest Jack Daniel (No7)

Today’s episode is a treat!  No… not the Bryce Tuohey kind.  Today, the three TWIST hosts sit down with Tim Sykes’ newest millionaire student: Jack Daniel.*  Contrary to popular belief, Jack Daniel is NOT an overnight success.  His journey dates back over five years...