Another year has come to a close … and SteadyTrade is still going strong. 

Today co-hosts Tim Bohen and Stephen Johnson reflect on all the incredible things that happened in 2019. They take a look back at both in their respective trading careers and the podcast. It’s been a BIG year… 

Listen in to get a great recap of the year’s biggest achievements. Plus get a sneak peek of what’s coming up in 2020. 

A Huge Thank You to Our Listeners! 

Since the podcast began in 2017, we’re proud to announce that we’ve had over 10 million downloads! 

That’s a huge number, and the entire team –– Tim, Stephen, Kim, and the crew –– is utterly floored. We’re sending a huge thanks to you, our listeners, for making the podcast such a success! 

2019 in Review 

So much happened in 2019, it’s hard to know where to start. Tim and Stephen talk about some of the highlights, including…

A new co-host: After several successful turns as a guest on the podcast (Episodes 100, 104, 108, and 110), Kim Ann Curtin, aka The Wall Street Coach, officially became a SteadyTrade co-host

She adds depth and civility to Tim and Stephen’s self-proclaimed caveman mentality … and there’s a ton more to come in 2020.

The SteadyTrade Book Club: As a trader, it’s so important to learn everything you can about the market. Our hosts started The SteadyTrade Book Club to share relevant readings that can help you improve your trading techniques. Check out the books we’ve already read here and here, and follow #SteadyTradeBooks on social media for more.

Amazing interviews: This year alone, we’ve interviewed plenty of inspiring figures in the finance world, ranging from “Market Wizards” author Jack Schwager to trading social media influencer Tom Canfield to up-and-coming six-figure trader Dom Mastromatteo.

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Stephen’s trading journey: What a long, strange trip it’s been for Stephen! During the episode, he talks with Tim about his personal trading journey and the unexpected turns it’s taken.

Stephen’s had some big wins, some serious losses, and has even considered quitting at points. Listen to hear about his relatable trading journey and prepare for a dose of inspiration. 

Tim’s trading journey: Tim talks about his personal year in trading and teaching. As a teacher and mentor for StocksToTrade Pro, he gives twice-daily webinars and has for years. Huge milestone alert: he’s now recorded 1,800 webinars! 

Tim reflects on what he’s learned as a teacher, how it’s informed his trading, and even shares what really gives him “that warm, fuzzy feeling.” 

 The importance of adapting: In reflecting on their respective years, Tim and Stephen talk about the importance of adapting. 

Change is inevitable for the market and traders, so why fight it? Instead, work with it. Even if it feels like every two steps forward require one step back, you’ve gotta keep going.

High and low points: Tim and Stephen talk about their high and low points for the year … and how it can be so hard to actually take care of yourself as a trader. 

Making trading work in the long term: Every trader has lapses and mental moments. But you have to stay strong because the moment you get weak you risk defeat. The biggest war you fight as a trader is against yourself.

Tim and Stephen’s Biggest Tips for the Year

To close out the episode, Tim and Stephen share their biggest takeaways from 2019 and their hopes for 2020. We can’t wait to continue growing with you. 

Tell Us What You Think…

Hey, thanks for listening! We welcome your thoughts … anything you care to share?

Remember: if you submit a question or comment and it’s chosen as an on-air topic, you could win a SteadyTrade mystery gift box. Send questions via the SteadyTrade website or on YouTube.

Thanks for tuning in to the SteadyTrade podcast. Stay tuned for weekly episodes featuring the hottest topics for aspiring traders.

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